It's Just Me

Just What it says...

AI Generated Art

I have been playing around with an AI image creator. How it works is you type in keywords and the generator uses those words to create an image. Here are some of the pictures I created using it. I know they mostly follow the same theme but as you generate you can add or remove prompts to get the image you want.

I will add more as I play around.

solar eclipse in clouds, rolling hills landscape
Snow capped mountain, Rolling hills, lush vegetation, lots of lightning, storm clouds, aurora borealis, green grass, vineyard, lake,, boat, fisherman, cabin
Snow capped mountain, Rolling hills, lush vegetation, lots of lightning, storm clouds, aurora borealis, green grass, vineyard, lake,, boat, fisherman, cabin, volcano
Snow capped mountain, Rolling hills, lush vegetation, lightning, storm clouds, aurora borealis, green grass, vineyard
Rolling hills, house, snow capped mountain, lush green vegetation, trees, storm clouds, aurora borealis, lightning, volcano
Rolling hills, cabin, snow capped volcano, lush vegetation, trees, storm clouds, aurora borealis, lightning
Rolling hills, house, snow capped mountain, lush green garden, trees, storm clouds, aurora borealis, lightning, volcano, explosion
dark castle, dragons, fire,
dark castle, dragons breathing fire, knights
Castle, towers, lightning, dragon, lava, volcano
Dragon, Castle, towers, lightning, lava, knight
Dragon, Castle, towers, lightning, lava,
Dragon, volcano
Toothless Dragon, volcano
City from the sky, rain, lightning

As you hover your mouse over the images it will show you the keywords used to create the image.

Please stop by again. Thank you for your interest!